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List of Cooperative Breweries

Tokubei Masuda

The Toba Sakuji Road was once built straight south from the Rashomon Gate in conjunction with the construction of the Heian-kyo capital. Tokubei Masuda Shoten is one of the oldest sake breweries in Fushimi, founded in 1675 along this road. The sake produced by Tokubei Masuda Shoten, which uses soft, rich, medium-hard underground water known as "Fushimizu," has been loved by many famous writers and artists since the Meiji era (1868-1912). The successive heads of the family have deepened their knowledge of culture and art through their interactions with these people, and have applied their sensibilities to the sake brewing process. The many old sake cups, documents, and ukiyoe woodblock prints that remain in the brewery and in the family home bear witness to this background. Many of the items in the collection are also steeped in Zen culture, which has greatly influenced the spirituality and design of Tokubei Masuda Shoten. In 1964, the 13th generation developed Japan's first nigori sake. The following year, based on the model of "Honchoshokan," an encyclopedia of food and drink published in 1695 (Genroku 8), he also revived old sake, which is aged for a long time in a porcelain jar. In addition, we have been growing sake rice in our hometown of Fushimi for more than 30 years, and have been brewing Kyoto "Celebration" rice, "Asahi No. 4" rice, "Gohyakumangoku" rice, and other rice varieties with our own farmers. Growing rice, which is the starting point of sake brewing, also leads to a deeper exchange of local cultures. As the original brewer of nigori (nigori sake) and koshu (old sake), we respect the seasonality and individuality of our sake, and we continue to evolve in our own unique way, preserving tradition while breaking free of the mold.

Masuda Tokubei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Tokubei Masuda, Chairman
and Representative Director

In the sake industry, where brewing techniques have been refined, assemblage has a different meaning and value than in the wine industry. Furthermore, assemblage that transcends breweries is an important experiment that will enable the creation of new flavors. We are now once again standing at the very beginning of a world of flavors with infinite entrances and exits."

Masuda Tokubei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Junichi Masuda, President and CEO

It is as if a new valve has been added to the simple yet profound world of sake brewing, where one yeast produces one sake. While maintaining the charm of "the sake", the assemblage has made it possible to create sake that "reaches where it itches". We can also add our signature "nigori" or "aged sake" as a new spice to our products. We would also like to pursue flavors that are entertaining and have an unforgettable impact.

It is said to have been founded in the early Edo period, before the sake share system took place in Meireki 3 (1657). The brand name "Funaya-no-shu" was loaded on a 30-koku boat and shipped to Osaka (Osaka) as a representative sake of Fushimi. It was then shipped to Edo (Tokyo), where it is said to have captured the taste buds of Azumabito (people from the East). In 1910, the 10th generation Kitagawa San'emon named the sake "Tomio" after the Chinese expression "Fu Konohao" from the Four Books and Five Classics. The word "wealth" refers to spiritual affluence and means that "those who are rich in spirit will be happy in their later years," and it expresses the desire to create sake that will enrich the spirit of those who drink it. The company has been brewing sake for more than 360 years in Fushimi, Kyoto, a famous sake brewing area. Since its first entry in the National New Sake Competition in 1983, it has won gold medals 20 times. We continue to improve every day. In addition, the company also produces liqueurs created by marrying Kyoto ingredients and shochu (distilled spirit) that takes advantage of the characteristics of Kyoto-grown rice. Next to the brewery is an antenna store called "Okina-ya," which sells sake made from the most delicious tanks at the time of the season, freshly pressed and sold by weight.

Kitagawa Honke Co., Ltd.
Yukihiro Kitagawa, President and CEO

I believe that assemblage presents a significant opportunity to attract new fans to sake. Blending within a single brewery tends to result in a smoother flavor, but I am convinced that only a blend of sakes from different breweries can create unique and distinctive tastes. It's not just about the flavor of the sake; I think it would be fascinating if the brewers themselves could mix, overlap, and elevate each other, right at this moment.

Founded in 1726 (Kyoho 11). After its establishment in Kozumi, Hyogo Prefecture, the brewery moved to Kyoto in the late Edo period (1603-1868) and has continued to brew sake. Surrounded by the Higashiyama mountains and the Kamo River, the brewery is located in a rich natural setting, with the Kyoto Imperial Palace and Shimogamo Shrine to the west and Mt. Kagura, our representative brand, is brewed not only for its aroma and dryness, but also to maximize the sweetness, acidity, spiciness, bitterness, and astringency that come from the flavor of the rice. The brewer himself stands at the center of the brewing process as toji (master brewer), and together with several other brewers, he and his staff carefully manage the entire brewing process, including koji making, sake mother, and unrefined sake. The brewing water pumped up from underground gives the sake a soft and clear taste. To produce high quality sake, thermal tanks are used (approximately 60% of the electricity is generated by solar power) to enable low-temperature fermentation, and a refrigerated room is maintained at -5°C to provide a good environment for the sake to mature after top-fermentation. Although we cannot produce a large amount of sake, we strive to make sake with the utmost care and attention to detail. Sake to deepen your joy and heal your sorrow" - In the nearly 300 years since its founding, Matsui Sake Brewery has continued the spirit inherited from its predecessors while actively adopting new knowledge and techniques in order to make Matsui sake available to you in every aspect of your daily life. We are actively adopting new knowledge and techniques in our brewing process while continuing the spirit inherited from our predecessors.

Matsui Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Harue Matsui, President and CEO

Assemblage is not merely a process of simple addition; rather, I believe it is a method that can create something greater than the sum of its parts, where 1 + 1 equals more than 2. This time, we are particularly focusing on pairing with food. It's a challenging balance—narrowing down too much can limit possibilities, while being too broad can make the results unclear. However, we want to continue embracing new experiences and flavors, constantly exploring uncharted territories.