Assemblage Club LINE official account is here.

Now, the world's tan is waiting for you.
Let's start the voyage together!

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The next delivery item is "Soyoung" (Japanese sake exclusively for Korean cuisine CODE NAME: Soyoung)

The Club has been bringing you sake assemblages with a different flavor each time to enjoy food from around the world.

The third product is "Soyoung Soyoung," a sake exclusively for Korean cuisine.
Among the wide variety of Korean dishes, kimchi, which is used as a seasoning or ingredient in stir-fries and stews, and always appears as a reserve ingredient in any dish, is highlighted in this recipe, with a flavor that goes well with kimchi.

To apply, please contacthere (place close to the speaker or where the speaker is)Take a map-less sake journey with Assemblage Club.
 *Items are scheduled to be shipped in mid-July.
 *If you are already a subscriber to the subscription service, you do not need to apply.